Thursday, January 12, 2012

Definitions and Sentences

1.  Herbicide – Weed killer and control -----The gardeners used herbicides to get rid of the weeds in their garden.

2.  Compost – A fertilizer of decaying substances ---- We put compost in the soil of our newly planted flowers.

3.  Wildlife – Undomesticated animals living in the wild ---- When we go camping, we see a lot of wildlife.

4.  High nitrogen fertilizer – Fertilizer with a high, high nitrogen concentration ---- For that plant, we needed a high nitrogen fertilizer.

5.  Horticultural – The science/art of cultivating plants ---- The horticultural society had many plants.

6.  Hyphae – One of the threadlike elements of the mycelium (mass of hyphae that form the vegetative part of a fungus) ---- Hyphae sometimes branches more in some plants than others.

7.  Aphid – Tiny, soft-bodied insect that sucks the sap from stems and leaves of some plants ---- The farmer wanted to kill all the aphids at his farm.

8.  Pesticides – Chemicals that kill plants/fungus/animal pests ---- They used pesticides to get rid of pests at their garden.

9.  Insecticides – A substance used to kill insects ---- There were too many insects in his garden so he used insecticides to kill them.

10.  Fungicides – A substance used to kill fungi ---- The fungicides got rid of his fungi problem on hi plants.

11.  Pest – An unwanted organism or thing ---- The dog had a pest that was hurting him.

12.  Silvilculture – The cultivation of forest trees ---- He was a silvilculture master and had created many forests.

13.  Viniculture – The science or study of making wines ---- He was a wine connoisseur, so he became a viniculturist.

14.  Agriculture – The production of crops, livestock, or poultry ---- The farmer used his knowledge of agriculture to make a living.

15.  Rototilling – Breaking up soil with a tool called a rototill ---- We were rototilling the soil before we planted.

16.  NPK –Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium ---- The NPK percentages in his fertilizer was high.

17.  Cation – Positively charged ion ---- There were many cation interactions in alkali metals.

18.  Anion – A negatively charged ion ---- The anion was attracted to the anode.

19.  Kingdoms – Category of the highest rank, grouping together all life forms that have similar characteristics ---- Tigers are in the kingdom animalia.

20.  Archaebacteria – Microorganisms that have RNA sequences, enzymes, and a cell wall composition that are different from all other organisms ---- Archaebacteria are a small group of outsiders.

21.  Eubacteria – Spherical/rod shaped bacteria, characterized by cells with rigid walls ---- We looked at the eubacteria under microscopes and saw rod shaped organisms.

22.  Animals – A living organism (animale) ---- The animals come out at night.

23.  Plants – An herb or other small vegetable growth (not a tree or shrub) (plantae) ---- The plants grew quickly.

24.  Fungi – Eukaryotic single-celled organisms that live by decomposing/absorbing the material in which they grow ---- The fungi grew on the bread and we had to throw it out.

25.  Protists – (Protista) A group of eukaryotic organisms that unicellular and sometimes colonial or less often multicellular ---- We saw protists at the tide pools.

26.  Micrometer – Various devices for measuring minute distances/angles, etc (telescope/microscope) ---- We measured how many micrometers the cell was.

27.  Flora – The plants of a particular region or period, listed by species and considered as a whole ---- The flora of a rainforest is very green.

28.  Fauna – The animals of a particular regions/time, considered as a whole ---- The fauna of the desert is very different from the fauna of the sea.

29.  Nematodes – Any unsegmented worm of the phylum nematode, with an elongated, cylindrical body; roundworm ---- Under the microscopic, nematodes look just like worms.

30.  Food web – Series of organisms related by predator-prey (food chain) ---- In a sea food web, Orcas are the strongest predator.

31.  Microarthropods – An invertebrate animal with an exoskeleton , segmented body, and jointed appendages.

32.  Photosynthesis – Plants absorb CO2 and create H2O, using light as energy ---- If it wasn’t for photosynthesis in plants, we couldn’t breathe.

33.  Exudates – To send out slowly ---- Sweat exudes from his body as he runs.

34.  Rhizoshpere – The soil that surrounds the roots of a plant ---- The rhizosphere stuck to the stem when I pulled out the plant.

35.  Amoeba – Freshwater, marine, or parasitic one celled protozoa characterized by a granular nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm ---- There were many ameba in the lake, but we couldn’t see them.

36.  Paramecium – Ciliated freshwater protest with an oval body and a long, deep oral groove ---- The paramecium had lots of small hair all over it.

37.  Flagellates – A protist with one or more flagella ---- The flagellates used their many flagella to move quickly.

38.  Ciliates – A protist  with cilia on part or all of the surface ---- Ciliates have many hairs (cilia).

39.  Microbes – A microorganism, esp. a pathogenic bacterium ---- Microbes can be a fungus or a bacteria.

40.  Chemosynthesis – Organic compounds created in a n organism, created by a chemical reaction as energy ---- The bacteria used chemosynthesis to make a compound.

41.  Wax and wane – From a high (one) side of a spectrum to the low (other) side ---- The moon’s wax and wane is a constant cycle.

42.  Fertilizer – A substance that when added to soil/water increases productivity/growth ---- We add natural fertilizers to our plants to allow them to grow faster and healthier.

43.  Arthropods – Larger microarthropods

44.  Aggregates – Formed by the conjugation or combination of particles into a whole mass of sum; total; combined ---- We aggregated all the fauna in our garden.

45.  Fodder – Coarse food for livestock ----- We gave our cows fodder to eat.

46.  Pathogen – A disease producing agent ---- The pathogen smallpox infected many people.

47.   Mycorrhiza – A symbiotic relationship of mycelium with the roots of a plant, in which the hyphae form a closely woven mass around the rootlets or penetrate the cells of a root.

48.  Inhibitory – To restrain or hinder (to decrease rate of action) ---- Pests are inhibitory to growth.

49.  Streptomycin – Antibiotic produced by soil and used in medicine for TB

50.  Ammonium – Ion that plays the part of a metal in the salt formed when ammonia reacts with acid ---- Ammonium is in some fertilizers.

51.  Ecosystem – System formed by the interaction of a community of organisms within their environment ---- Keep your ecosystem clean to allow it to last longer.

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