Monday, February 20, 2012

Myers Briggs

ESTJ - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging (Extroverted thinking with introverted sensing) also ESFJ - Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging

I looked up careers for ESTJ personalities and I found that ESTJ personalities are usually athletic, which I am, and so one of my previos endersession ideas could still work. I also found that ESTJ's like to be in leadership positions for their careers. On the list that I found for ESTJ's, the careers that I liked the most or thought I would enjoy were being a judge or doing police/detective work. So maybe I could intern at a law firm or a police department. Or I still like the personal training or PT endersession ideas.

Also The ESFJ was a little more like my personality, but I wasnt really interested in the jobs they said suited an ESFJ.

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